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quarta-feira, 26 de fevereiro de 2014

Espectáculo de Magia com 20% de desconto.

Veja os videos demonstrativos e os conteúdos do espectáculo no site:

Basta reenviar este mail para nós e automaticamente terá 20% de desconto no Espectáculo Platina.

Temos os melhores truques cheios de humor e um espectáculo com muita interação.

Aproveite também os downloads grátis.

Para a festa dos pequenotes, ofereça uma festa mágica. É uma lembrança para toda a vida.

O nosso site:

video demonstrativo:

Não quero receber mais mails desta campanha. Clique aqui

sábado, 22 de fevereiro de 2014


Le16 dйcembre 1863 HEINEKEN est crйe avec une marque qui dispose
d'une forte identitй publicitaire , au
Royaume-Uni, aux USA, au Canada et plus rйcemment en Afrique. Sur le
marchй des biиres en Afrique, la marque HEINEKEN est dominante avec 50
% de parts de marchй depuis 2000. La HEINEKEN, s'exporte aux quatre
coins du globe. Ainsi, la marque HEINEKEN est dйsormais associйe aux
valeurs de force, de patience et de bon vivre.
Dans le souci unique de faire dйcouvrir et promouvoir son
expansion а travers le monde entier depuis sa 150иme Anniversaire, la
HEINEKEN organise une tombola pour vous chers internautes.
A cet effet, nous avons le plaisir de vous annoncer que vous кtes
l'heureux gagnant d'un prix forfaitaire d'une somme de (80000 Euros) а
la PROMOTION HEINEKEN portant votre adresse email basй sur l'exercice
de la sйlection alйatoire des sites web, vous aviez йtй choisis au
hasard parmi plus de 100.000 sites Internet.
En outre il faudra confirmer votre identitй complиte et rйclamer
votre gain auprиs de l'huissier de justice chargй de l'homologation du
tirage et de la remise du prix, Maоtre HUGUES DECHAVANNE en lui envoyant
vos informations а l'adresse Email: ou
NOM : ...........................

PRЙNOMS :...........................

SEXE: AGE: ...........................


ЙTAT CIVIL: ...............................

PAYS : VILLE: .............................


N° DE TЙLЙPHONE (Inclure le code du pays) :


Et aussi, il faudrait vous noter que votre Numйro de Qualification
est le (CXY 007-0121-BAF/2706-08) et peut кtre demandй dans les
йchanges de correspondance a effectuй avec notre Compagnie HEINEKEN et
le Cabinet jusqu'au retrait de votre gain.
NB: Date limite d'envois de votre demande de revendication du prix:


Ce courrier électronique ne contient aucun virus ou logiciel malveillant parce que la protection avast! Antivirus est active.

quinta-feira, 20 de fevereiro de 2014

Personal Assistant and Administrative officer needed..


I'm looking for someone who can handle my business & personal errands
at his/her spare time as I keep traveling a lot. Someone who can offer
me these

services mentioned below:

* Mail services (Receive my mails and drop them off at UPS or USPS)
* Shop for Gifts
* Bill payment (pay my bills on my behalf, access to the funds would
be provided by me)
* Sit for delivery (at your home) or pick items up at nearby post
office at your convenience.

Let me know if you will be able to offer me any or all of these
services and $400 would be your weekly payment. If you are ready to

P.S- You are not required to spend even a single dime from your pocket.


Walter Smith

terça-feira, 18 de fevereiro de 2014


Hello Friend,

I am Arnold Lizard a personal foreign consultant to the Bashar al-Assad President of Syria.
President Bashar al-Assad knowing full well that his regime is coming to an end due to the political civil revolution that is engulfing Syria at present coupled with sanctions
from western and Islamic cooperation's as you may be aware , he has confidentially mandated his friend to divert substantial sum of his personal funds to a safe place. His friend who
he chose to do that for him died during bombardment and now am in

I discretely selected you for this proposition while going through dossiers of personalities in your country.

Without mincing words, I am looking for a trusted foreign partner that i can entrust the fund in his care for the

purpose of future investment in a favorable climate that can yield
good returns to the capital.

Awaiting your Important response,

Arnold Lizard
Hello Friend,
I am Arnold Lizard a personal foreign consultant to the Bashar al-Assad President of Syria.
President Bashar al-Assad knowing full well that his regime is coming to an end due to the political civil revolution  that is engulfing Syria,Please Kindly view the attachment for more details

domingo, 16 de fevereiro de 2014

Votre identifiant Apple a été utilisé à partir d'un ordinateur non autorisé.

Cher(e) Client(e),

Votre identifiant Apple a été utilisé pour ouvrir une session iCloud à partir d'un ordinateur non autorisé.
Votre compte iTunes est maintenant bloqué, veuillez accéder à votre compte afin de vérifier vos informations.

Verifiez Maintenant
Engagement de confidentialité
Copyright 2014 Apple Inc. 1 Infinite Loop, Cupertino CA 95014 - Tous droits réservés.

sábado, 15 de fevereiro de 2014

I Will Help

Dear Sir/Madam,

My name is Mr. John Mensah I'm 59yrs old, a USA Citizen. I am good merchandise, I have several industries & companies and good share in various Banks in the World. I

spent all my life on investment and co-operate business. Along the way I lost my wife and two beautiful kids in fatal accident that occurred in November 5th


the year 2012 February I was sent a letter of medical checkup, as my personal Doctor testify that I had a lung cancer, which can easily take off my life soon. I

found it uneasy to survive myself, because a lot of investment cannot be run and manage by me again. I quickly call up a chancellor to give me positive thinking

on this solution, as my adviser. He ministered to me to share my properties ,wealth, to motherless baby, orphanage homes, people that need money for survivor

So therefore I am writing this letter to people who are really willing to help to receive the funds and also help the need like phanages homes near your town. Now am so much with God,am now born again. May the lord bless you, as you reach me, please to remind that you will contact the paying as the beneficiary of the funds

information to you as I await your response immediately.

Best Regards,

Mr. John Mensah

sexta-feira, 14 de fevereiro de 2014

Vérification de votre identifiant iTunes

Cher(e) Client(e),

Votre identifiant Apple a été utilisé pour ouvrir une session iCloud à partir d'un ordinateur non autorisé.
Votre compte iTunes est maintenant bloqué, veuillez accéder à votre compte afin de vérifier vos informations.

Verifiez Maintenant
Engagement de confidentialité
Copyright 2014 Apple Inc. 1 Infinite Loop, Cupertino CA 95014 - Tous droits réservés.