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quarta-feira, 30 de novembro de 2011

Offerte sconto italia

   Napoli:Offerta maxi pizze + bibite    

1 maxi pizza margherita + 1 maxipizza farcita (a scelta ) + 2 bibite barattolo, oppure una birra peroni grande.

Offerta € 10.00

Valore reale € 27.00


 Nazionale: 3 fotocalendari  2012 € 9.50 ampia scelta di modelli valore reale € 17.85 Fotocalendari per un originale idea regalo, stampati su carta fotografica Kodak, misurano 30X45 Cm. Completi di astine e gangetto. Comprane quanti ne vuoi, o regalali hai tuoi amici.  sul sito trovi una vasta gamma di modelli da usare per le tue foto o quelle dei tuoi amici.   
   Nazionale:Mini massaggiatore corpo                      offerta € 3.90 - valore reale € 9.70


Massaggiatore tascabile vibrante  alimentato a batteria, adatto per trattare qualsiasi parte del corpo, antistress, migliora la circolazione sangugna e allevia l'affaticamento.Il  Massaggiatore vibrante tascabile, grazie alimentato a batteria, può essere usato ovunque e in qualsiasi momento. Studiato per massaggiare ogni parte del corpo,  con effetti similari a quelli di un massaggio manuale; grazie alla testina vibrante si ottiene un miglioramento immediato della circolazione sanguigna e del tessuto muscolare, sollievo dalla fatica e riduzione della produzione di acido lattico. Ideale per un trattamento rilassante. Il design ergonomico ne permette un utilizzo comodo  e non affaticante.



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terça-feira, 29 de novembro de 2011


It is my profound intention to make this mutually benefiting but
confidential business proposal to you. My name is Engr. Philip Ezoma the
Contract Award Committee Chairman in the Nigerian National Petroleum
Cooperation (NNPC). I know that this proposal may come to you as a
surprise, but I would like to appeal for your co-operation to enable us
secure an approval on your behalf for a total sum of US$28.5Million being
an over invoiced contract amount to be transferred to your nominated bank
account for our mutual benefit.
Early last year there was a major oil spillage in the Niger Delta Region
of Nigeria which rendered over 70% of the communities homeless. So the
federal government decided to lease the three existing petroleum
refineries to private individuals and companies to make the refineries
more viable, resourceful and to eliminate undue wastage and fraud. So
contracts were awarded to a foreign firm for the repair and construction
of new refineries, but because of the huge monetary profit we envisaged we
decided to over-invoice the contract sum. The real contract value was
US$91.5Million, but it was over estimated to the tune of US$120Million.
Now the contract has been completed and the original contractor has since
been paid, but the contract balance of US$28.5Million, which resulted from
the over invoiced contract sum is been left in a suspense account with the
CENTRAL BANK corresponding paying bank in Europe.
I have been assigned by my other colleagues to seek for assistance of a
reliable foreigner through whom we can transfer this sum of US$28.5Million
which arose from the deliberate over-inflated contract value. It does not
matter whether you or your company does contract project of the nature
described here, but the assumption is that you won a major contract and
subcontracted it to another company, more often non big trading companies
or individuals of unrelated field win major contracts here and
subcontracts same to more specialized firms for execution. So the nature
of your business is not particularly relevant for the success of this
transaction. All we require is your willingness as a foreigner to
co-operate with us and assurance that our own share will be given to us
when this money is transferred into your account. Then we shall use our
position to secure all the government approvals in your favor to enable
the transfer of the remaining 28.5Million to your nominated bank account.
We have agreed that you will be entitled to 25% of the entire funds, 70%
will be for us, while 5% will be set aside to cover any unforeseen
expenses that may be incurred by both parties during this transaction,
both local and international.
Please I enjoin you to handle this message with utmost degree of maturity
and confidentiality because I am still in active government service with
have been taken to ensure a no risk situation on the sides of both parties
and it is believed that the conclusion of this transaction will not last
more than 8 working days, since the money is already in transit account
with the corresponding paying bank in Europe. However, we are going to
retrieve the whole documents that will relate to this transaction after
the transfer of the money into your account to avoid any trace of the
I will call you when I receive your direct telephone number to discuss
this more with you and also send you all the details immediately as I
receive your reply.
Please treat as very confidential matter and please reply me only to:
Much Regards,
Engr. Philip Ezoma

Jorge André, 33 - Quer conhecê-lo?

Jorge André, 33 - Quer conhecê-lo?

Jorge André, 33, Natal
Quer encontrar com uma garota, 22-40

Mais algumas pessoas para conhecer na sua área:

A Equipe Badoo

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segunda-feira, 28 de novembro de 2011

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   Kakémono 200x80cm + kit de fixation. Utilisation : intérieur, facile d'accrocher.
  Applications : évènementiel, animation commerciale, spectacle, manifestations sportives,
   «  Livraison en =
  expositions, manifestations culturelles, signalétique, événementiel, promotion ...
       24/48 heures
  Totem 200x80cm + sac de transport
   «  À votre écoute
  Utilisation : intérieur, très économique et aussi très facile pour changer le décor
  Applications : évènementiel, animation commerciale, spectacle, manifestations     33(0)
  sportives, expositions, manifestations culturelles, signalétique, événementiel, promotion .

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domingo, 27 de novembro de 2011

Atention : Nous avons remarquer un problem concernant l'abus sur votre carte de credit

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